Humanizing Regulation

Making Regulation and Compliance simple, accessible and achievable. Empowering people to Connect, Safely Digitize and Grow.

Our Mission

Our mission is to make compliance simple, accessible, and achievable.
We simplify the complex to help people to digitise, connect and grow so that they can focus upon their core business activities.

We promise to deliver a positive approach to regulations. We believe this is a key way to engage and encourage businesses to build awareness and resilience as part of their value proposition. If businesses are engaged and can actively visualise the value, they will be more willing to implement and improve.

As the way for implementation is led by the human approach, we wanted to connect those on the front line. We have built communities and communication as integrated components on our solution. We know that those implementing regulations want to be able to help others or seek help themselves.

How it all started

It all started when Vadim and Ammi were introduced to each other in a tech hub. With their love for anything cyber, they quickly bonded. They discussed the pain points of the cyber security and regulation sector and concluded: many companies and organisations, of all sizes, are dependent on expensive audits, are not effectively and safely digitized and lack communication within the sector.

When companies try to digitize, become cyber secure or manage regulations themselves, people are feeling overwhelmed by the complexity, not knowing where to start. Regulation changes continuously and keeping track is difficult. Some larger organisations are known to use over 35 excel workbooks scattered across departments to implement IS27001!

Isuna was created so that these businesses and organisations could easily learn, implement, and improve. By digitising the actual digital needs, we hope that we can help you.

Our goal now is to continue to grow our team. Improve ourselves and always improve to meet our clients’ requirements

The values we stand by – Professionally and personally


Accessibility is the corner stone of our company. We want compliance and resilience to be accessible for everyone. Our design and content reflects this: using Isuna’s products is easy. If your grandmother can understand what we do, our goal is achieved.


We have lived experience as experts on cyber security and heavily regulated sectors. Isuna was born out of care. We have a deep understanding of your struggles with compliance and resilience. We want to make your life easier


As people we believe that being progressive is the way forward. We strive to always better ourselves and question the Status Quo.


Isuna is open. Open in our communication, open in what we do and open about what we offer. No hidden doors.


We don’t want people to be scared into buying our product. Our communication style and content is positive. We use gamification and positive psychology within our platform. No fear needed!


Better together, that’s what we wholeheartedly believe. We built in a community space into our platform so that people from the same sectors can connect.

At Isuna you don’t only get our product, you get our team




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